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时间: 2023-09-11 来源: 慧剑先生起名网 作者: zhxm 阅读量: 3036
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  • 大数据科学智能在线宝宝起名字:基于三才五格、喜忌用神、汉语语言文学、统计学、心理学、诗词国学、人工智能科学为一体的宝宝起名系统。

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  • In today's globalized world, it is not uncommon for people to adopt English names alongside their birth names. This practice often arises from the desire to integrate into different cultures or improve communication in international settings. However, it is essential to approach the process of choosing an English name with consideration and awareness of cultural identities.

    One example that highlights the importance of choosing an English name in alignment with one's cultural identity is the story of Li Wei. Li Wei, a Chinese student studying abroad in the United States, decided to adopt an English name to facilitate interactions with his American classmates. After considering his options, he settled on the name "Liam," a common English name that was easy to pronounce for both his Chinese and American friends. By choosing a name that retained phonetic similarities with his birth name, Li Wei maintained a connection to his Chinese heritage while expanding his opportunities for cross-cultural friendships and collaborations.

    Another example that showcases the significance of using Chinese names when adopting English names is the story of Chen Mei. Chen Mei, a Chinese-American entrepreneur, launched her tech startup in the United Kingdom. As she built her company and networked with potential investors and partners, she noticed a sense of detachment whenever she introduced herself by her English name, Jenny. Feeling a longing to better represent her background and cultural values, Chen Mei decided to start using her Chinese name alongside her English name, introducing herself as Jenny Chen Mei. This simple addition not only helped her connect with investors who appreciated her Chinese heritage but also fostered a more profound sense of belonging within her professional endeavors.

    Additionally, the story of Liu Hua demonstrates how adopting an English name that aligns with one's Chinese identity can have a positive impact on the perception of individuals from different cultures. Liu Hua, a Chinese linguistics professor, attended an international conference where she interacted with scholars from various countries. While discussing the complexities of cross-cultural communication, she emphasized the importance of one's name in building mutual understanding. Liu Hua mentioned how her Portuguese colleague, João, had taken the time to learn and pronounce her Chinese name correctly. This gesture not only made Liu Hua feel respected and valued but also led to a deeper connection and exchange of ideas between them. It exemplified how using one's Chinese name creates an atmosphere conducive to cultural appreciation and fosters a more inclusive and harmonious environment.

    In conclusion, when choosing an English name, it is crucial to consider one's cultural identity and the significance of maintaining a connection to one's birth name. By adopting English names that resonate with their Chinese background, individuals can bridge cultural gaps, maintain a sense of heritage, and foster stronger connections with people from different cultures. It is through these stories and examples that we understand the importance of using Chinese names when adopting English names, ensuring that our chosen names reflect our unique identities and cultural backgrounds.

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