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时间: 2024-07-27 来源: 慧剑先生起名网 作者: zhxm 阅读量: 2439
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  • 大数据科学智能在线宝宝起名字:基于三才五格、喜忌用神、汉语语言文学、统计学、心理学、诗词国学、人工智能科学为一体的宝宝起名系统。

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  • Here is a 500-word article on how to choose an English name based on your Chinese eight-character birth chart:

    Selecting an English Name Based on Your Eight-Character Birth Chart

    In Chinese culture, the eight-character birth chart is believed to hold deep insights into a person's destiny and personality. This ancient system, which analyzes the year, month, day, and time of one's birth, can also be a useful tool when choosing an English name.

    Many people of Chinese descent find that an English name chosen based on their eight-character chart resonates more deeply with their true nature and life path. The process involves carefully examining the various elements present in the chart and using them to inform the selection of an English name.

    Let's take the example of someone born in 1990, with a birth time of 3:00 pm. Their eight-character chart would be: 庚 申 戊 子 时 分 时 辰. From this, we can glean important insights to guide the choice of an English name.

    The first character, 庚, represents the heavenly stem of metal. This suggests qualities like integrity, discipline, and a strong sense of justice. A fitting English name in this case could be something like "Adrian," which means "from Adria" and evokes a sense of solidity and purpose.

    The second character, 申, is the earthly branch of the monkey. This points to traits of intelligence, adaptability, and a playful spirit. An English name like "Cameron," meaning "crooked nose," would complement these qualities nicely.

    The third character, 戊, is the heavenly stem of earth. This indicates a grounded, practical nature with a tendency towards hard work and reliability. "Brandon," a name meaning "from the beacon hill," could be an appropriate choice.

    The fourth character, 子, is the earthly branch of the rat. This suggests someone who is intuitive, resourceful, and skilled at navigating the complexities of life. An English name like "Nathan," meaning "gift from God," would resonate with these strengths.

    Putting it all together, a fitting English name for this individual could be "Adrian Cameron Brandon Nathan." The various elements of the eight-character chart are woven together to create a name that is both meaningful and reflective of the person's inherent qualities.

    Of course, the process of selecting an English name based on the eight-character chart is not an exact science. There is often room for personal interpretation and preference. The key is to find a name that feels like a natural extension of one's Chinese identity and life path.

    By embracing the wisdom of the eight-character chart, individuals of Chinese descent can discover English names that resonate deeply and help them navigate the bicultural experience with greater authenticity and self-understanding.

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