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时间: 2023-12-04 来源: 慧剑先生起名网 作者: zhxm 阅读量: 2406
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  • 大数据科学智能在线宝宝起名字:基于三才五格、喜忌用神、汉语语言文学、统计学、心理学、诗词国学、人工智能科学为一体的宝宝起名系统。

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  • Why does selecting a name based on the eight Chinese characters lead to four harmful effects?

    In recent years, there has been a growing trend of using the eight Chinese characters to select names for newborns. This traditional practice, known as "ba zi qi ming" (八字起名), involves analyzing the birth date and time to determine the appropriate characters that would bring luck and prosperity. While this may seem like a harmless tradition, recent research suggests that using the eight characters to name children can have four harmful effects.

    Firstly, the practice of using eight characters for naming can lead to a lack of individuality and creativity. Naming is an essential aspect of personal identity and self-expression. However, when parents solely rely on the eight characters without considering other factors such as personal preferences, talents, or aspirations, it diminishes the uniqueness of the individual. In a society that values diversity and creativity, it is crucial to embrace different ways of naming that better reflect personal values and aspirations.

    Secondly, using the eight characters for naming can restrict future opportunities for individuals. The eight characters are based on astrological predictions, which claim to determine a person's destiny. When parents choose a name based solely on these predictions, they unintentionally limit their child's potential by aligning them with a predetermined path. This rigid belief in destiny can hinder personal growth and discourage individuals from pursuing their passions or exploring new opportunities, as they may feel bound by the preconceived notions associated with their names.

    Furthermore, the practice of using the eight characters for naming can perpetuate gender stereotypes and reinforce societal biases. According to traditional beliefs, certain characters are considered auspicious for boys, while others are considered lucky for girls. This gender-based naming practice reinforces the notion that boys and girls have distinct characteristics, abilities, and eventual roles in society. Such gender biases can have long-lasting effects on individuals' self-esteem, limiting their aspirations and opportunities as they internalize societal expectations associated with their names.

    Lastly, the process of selecting a name based on the eight characters can lead to unnecessary pressure and anxiety. Traditional beliefs emphasize the importance of choosing the "right" name to ensure a prosperous and successful future. This pressure can create unnecessary stress for parents, who fear making the wrong decision and potentially bringing misfortune to their child. Moreover, individuals themselves may struggle with the burden of living up to the expectations associated with their names, fearing that any misstep might be attributed to an ill-fated name. This constant anxiety can hinder personal development and impede an individual's ability to navigate life's challenges with confidence.

    In conclusion, while the practice of using the eight characters to select names for newborns may have its roots in tradition and cultural beliefs, it is essential to recognize the four harmful effects it can have. From limiting individuality and creativity to reinforcing gender stereotypes and perpetuating unnecessary pressure, this practice should be questioned and reconsidered in a society that values diversity, personal growth, and the well-being of its individuals.

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